The Dysregulated Podcast

Seroquel Shutdown: Sleeplessness, Dependency and the Workaholic Within

Elliot Thomas Waters Episode 179

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In this episode of The Dysregulated Podcast, I explore the vital role Seroquel plays in my ability to get a good night's sleep and how its absence leaves me battling through the day. Sleep deprivation exacerbates the negative ruminations that seem to take centre stage of my psyche, and today, they’ve been particularly focused on my inner workaholic—the sub-part of me constantly pushing to apply for new jobs and to (hopefully) improve my life! That is one part of me that doesn't slow down, even if the self has! Join me as I do my best to explain the challenges of sleeplessness, self-criticism, and the weight of unrelenting expectations, all before the Seroquel kicks in and I finally get some rest!
Follow my journey living with mental illness and the hard-fought lessons learned along the way. Lived experience is the driving force of this podcast, and through this lens, my stories are told. 
This is a raw, honest, and authentic account of how multiple psychological disorders have shaped my past and continue to influence my future.

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